Tuesday, 17 July 2018

What to expect at your overnight sleep test?

When you are scheduled for an overnight sleep test, you may have lots of questions and concerns. Keep in mind that the sleep experts are prepared for all of these inquiries. At “The Center For Sleep Medicine” we help thousands of people with sleep disorder every year. Many of our clients have asked us the same questions you're probably thinking right now: "What is an overnight sleep test, how does it work, and how do I prepare for it?"

Our Sleep Experts often recommend you to take part in an overnight sleep study so they can make the most accurate diagnosis and recommend the most effective treatment. They are also trained to provide you with a comfortable experience that's based on your specific healthcare needs. Even if you don't sleep as soundly as you would at home, you will still get enough sleep to provide adequate information for the sleep doctor to review.

If your doctor suspects you have a sleep disorder like sleep apnea, shift work sleep disorder or sleep related movements, you will be scheduled for an overnight sleep test. The goal of the sleep test is to observe you while you sleep, to get an absolute picture of what’s happening in your brain and your body. The test helps to find out whether you have a sleep disorder, and if so, to identify which one, so you can treat it and finally get a peaceful and restorative sleep.
An overnight sleep study or sleep test begins with an introduction with the sleep technician. Each patient has his or her own room with a bathroom and shower. The sleep technologist will place sensors, or electrodes, on your head and body to measure your heart rhythm, brain waves, breathing rate, oxygen levels, and body movements while you sleep, but don’t worry, you'll still have plenty of room to move and get comfortable.

Once you have been hooked up to the various machines, the Sleep Experts will begin monitoring the data from another room. Once you have been hooked up to the various machines, the Sleep Experts will begin monitoring the data from another room. When the calibrations are finalized you can go to sleep just like at home. A video recording is made to see how much you toss and turn and to assess unusual behaviors such as sleepwalking.

After your study, your sleep doctor will review your sleep test results and determine a treatment plan for you. At this point, if a sleep disorder was detected in the study, your doctor or sleep specialist will go over possible treatments for your condition. If you suspect you have a sleep disorder, consult an expert Sleep Specialist in Illinois immediately; schedule an overnight sleep test and start getting the treatment you need to better your life!

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